The current City of Janesville Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1981 - with parts of the subdivision ordinance written in the 1970's. The current zoning ordinance is in need of a substantial update in order to provide greater opportunity for continued growth and success of the community.
The City of Janesville recently updated the Comprehensive Plan - setting a vision for the future of the community including potential changes to the zoning code and subdivision ordinance. An updated Janesville land development code will be simplified, responsive to market conditions, and facilitate high-quality development.
The City is conducting community engagement throughout this process to allow for public input and provide transparency in the update process. As the project progresses, please return to this site to find project updates, ways to get involved, and provide feedback. Public meeting dates, a community survey, and announcements will be shared on this site and on the City website.
Project Overview:
Public Engagement
Provide diverse public engagement opportunities that allow all stakeholders the chance to participate to ensure the code reflects community priorities
A project overview on this website introduces the project and references planned engagement opportunities.
Project information and opportunities for public participation are shared on the project website. The website is a tool for sharing project resources and documents, asking questions, and gathering stakeholder comments/feedback, and providing updates.
Up to ten focus group meetings are intended to serve as input sessions to identify issues and opportunities regarding specific items.
Two public open houses will provide an opportunity for the public to learn about the project and share feedback. Maps, presentations, and project materials will be provided.
Open House #1 is Thursday, November 14th, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at Hedberg Public Library. Click here for more details.
Open House #2: Date TBA
Working meetings with City Staff across various departments will occur to solicit feedback, concerns, and opportunities.
Presentation and workshop discussions will occur with the Plan Commission regarding draft updates, as well as discussion involving other City Committees and Staff to solicit feedback on key sections and concerns.
Project Timeline
Timeline item 1 - complete
Spring 2024 - Summer 2024: Research & Data Gathering
Project team analyzes and current Zoning and Subdivision Code issues and opportunities.
Timeline item 2 - active
Summer 2024-Summer 2025: Public Engagement
Project information is available online. Community members can take the community survey and provide input for the zoning rewrite leading up to the two Open House events. Periodically, the Plan Commission will hold public meetings to discuss the zoning rewrite.
Timeline item 3 - complete
November 14, 2024: Public Open House #1
Nov 14, 2024: The project team will engage the public in an Open House format to review the existing conditions of the zoning and land division codes. Together with the community, the project team will identify issues and opportunities to improve the zoning and land division codes.
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Hedberg Public Library, 316 S. Main Street
Timeline item 4 - active
Fall 2024-Spring 2025: Draft Revised Zoning Ordinance
The project team will update the zoning and land division ordinances for review by the Plan Commission.
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
Spring 2025: Public Open House #2
The project team will engage with the community to review the proposed draft updates to the zoning ordinance. Feedback will be considered for the final draft of the ordinance before consideration for local adoption.
Timeline item 6 - incomplete
Summer 2025: Present Final Draft at Plan Commission and Common Council
One or more public meetings will be held at the Plan Commission to review the final drafts of the zoning and land division ordinances. The draft will then move onto City Council for consideration of final adoption.